
Sample Revenue Impact Benchmark

10 sample Revenue Impact Benchmark questions to see where your sales team are against a proven Sales Framework that consistently delivers more revenue.

Founders/Owners- diagnose your sales team's capability to deliver predictable, sustainable results.

Sales Leaders- diagnose where your team sits against a high performance sales team benchmark.

Investors - gain more insight on whether you are investing in a high performance sales team.

Click the button below to start. Be honest. There may be more than one correct answer for predictable, sustainable results from your sales team.


Question 1 of 10

VALUE is a key to your client's decision making process.  What statement best describes your team's approach to demos, presos and proposals?


We have a great product and we use the product to drive our demos. presos and proposals.


We have a great product and proven case studies. The product and case studies are the basis for our demos, presos and proposals.


Features and functions in our product are awesome. Client's love to see what the product does. They see the value of the product in a demos, preso and proposals.


We focus on the value the client will derive from using our products or services. We are solving their problem and this is the basis for our demos, presos and proposals.

Question 2 of 10

A buying decision is made when the client agrees with the VALUE they will derive from buying your product or service.  How do you determine that VALUE?


We don't. The client makes the decision on value. We sell a product for a fair price.


We have case studies with a proven business case. The prospect's value will be similar to at least one of those case studies.


We worked with the client on their value during the discovery phase. We jointly agreed on the value they will derive.


We use a business case calculator that we work through with the client. The client signs this business case off as part of the process.

Question 3 of 10

PLANNING is a key pillar to predictable, sustainable results. How do you approach sales planning?


We have a great product so we sell as much as possible. No need to a plan.


There is a business plan. Sales sell what is needed to meet the business plan.


There is a sales plan designed to meet the business plan.


There is a sales plan, supported by plans for territories and/or reps and/or accounts.

Question 4 of 10

PLANNING requires knowledge of how your pipeline translates to revenue. Your approach is best summarised as...


We have a great product and win more than we lose as long as we have the right prospect. We know we win about x%.


We win one, we lose one. 50/50 works for us.


We know the relationships between leads, qualified leads, shortlist, wins (and all stages in our sales cycle). We use these ratios to drive out planning.

Question 5 of 10

ACCOUNTABILITY ensures each member of the sales team knows what is expected of them within the high performance sales team.  What statement best describes your sales meetings.


There is no sales meeting.


Sales meetings are a chance for the whole team to get together and talk about their deals and pipeline.


The sales meeting is a formal meeting. Each rep talks about their top deals for the quarter/month.


Sales meetings are sharp and focus on deals won and the forecast for this period.

Question 6 of 10

METHODOLOGY is all about qualification.  Which statement describes you approach to qualification.


The more demos we do the more we win.


We have a great product/service. We do great demos/presos. Have you got budget for this?


We have a qualification methodology that we sometimes use on key deals.


We always use a qualification methodology.


We always use a qualification methodology that contains questions on access to funds, compelling event, and our unique value.

Question 7 of 10

INDICATORS show us where we've been and where we are heading.  What are your KPI's for the sales team?


We have non other than revenue closed/won.


We have plenty, but we never really use them outside of management reporting.


We measure deals won, win rates, losses etc. It is clear where we have been successful.


We measure both lagging (eg win rate) and leading (eg qualified pipe) indicators.

Question 8 of 10

CADENCE drives the rhythm of the sales team, keeping the numbers and team on track.  What regular meetings do you have with the sales team? 


None planned. All are ad hoc.


Regular sales team meeting.


Regular sales team meetings and rep one on ones.


Regular sales team meetings, rep one on ones, qualification reviews, and deal or account reviews.

Question 9 of 10

EXECUTION eats strategy for breakfast.  A month in the life of your sales team is best described as...


Many adhoc meetings, some good months, some bad months. We work harder to get as much done as possible.


Loads of demos. The more the better for our results. A few sales meetings around the demos.


A strong cadence of team and individual meetings focusing on key deals.


Value and planning are key for us. We do plenty of discovery calls, qualifications and demos to those clients we have qualified in. Regular sales meetings and one on ones.

Question 10 of 10

EXECUTION is also about winning deals that we there to be won.  The last mile can be a challenge.  What is your current approach to that last mile?


If it's there to be won and just won't close, we usually sweeten the deal in someway.


The market has been trained to wait and get a discount at the end of the quarter. We have no choice but to offer a quarter end discount to win deals.


We've done our job on understanding value so our last mile focuses on helping the client realise that value as soon as they can.


We have a close plan or event schedule that we work through with the prospects. It covers all the things they need to do to send us a PO.

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