Book A Chat With Paul

Paul Sargeant (Sarge)

Hi there and thanks for stopping by to book a chat with me.

Whether you are here because you 

need to increase revenue (this is capital you don't have to pay back!), or

need to raise capital, or

discover more about our Sales Leadership Academy,

you are probably driving your business forward as fast as you can and you need some guidance in a few key areas.

So … let’s meet, have an open conversation, and explore if I can help you on your journey.

Here’s a bit of a heads-up on what will happen when we meet

Firstly, I’ll spend time asking you about your work and your business, where it’s at and where you want to get it to.

I’ll ask you a whole bunch of questions, but you won’t need to prepare anything because the questions will be straight forward.

Then I’ll be in a position to have a discussion on where I might be able to help you on your journey.

And at that point, if our discussion is about growing revenue then I’ll know if our sales framework (PAMICE®) (in some form or another) would be a good fit for your needs.

If our discussion is about raising capital, then I'll know if our extended team will able able to help you in that raise.

If our discussion is about the Sales Leadership Academy, then I'll know if that program is a good fit for your growth.

If we are not a good fit, I should be able to recommend something or someone else that would be a better fit.

And if we are a fit, we can talk about the way you would like to engage.

Of course, you’ll be able to ask me questions as well.

We have a history of delivering great results and great value for our clients.  You can even ask one of our clients about the value we delivered for them.

Revenue Impact Diagnostic

Compare your sales team's ability to drive revenue growth against the benckmark

A key part of our engagement is a 70-point diagnostic tool that measures your sales team's likelihood of driving revenue growth.  Our clients measure themselves every quarter to track progress and diagnose key areas for attention for the coming quarter.

The results have been amazing with comments like "I do half as many demos and win twice as much revenue".

This tool is great for investors during the due diligence phase, and for founders/owners pre-investment and for driving growth. 

BTW: here’s what our meeting will NOT be…

Just so you know, our 45-minute meeting is not some sort of “sales ambush” where you get your arm twisted and pushed into something that you don’t want.

That wouldn’t be fair on you. Or me for that matter.

Instead, it’s a chat between two business owners or sales leaders to explore if I can help drive revenue or raise capital or support your growth.

I don’t take hostages! It’s quite the opposite. We’re all here of our own free will. I want to ensure we’re a good fit for one another and that I can genuinely increase your abilities and your revenue. I’m not aiming for quantity, I’m aiming for quality, and I suspect you are too.

And while we'll discuss things that are and are not working for you and some opportunities for improvement, the meeting isn’t designed as a “Coaching Call” or a “Consultation”.

And here’s what I need from you before you book a time to chat…

The only thing I ask is that you come to the meeting genuinely committed to improve your revenue growth and/or capital raising and/or sales leadership capability; and that you can make the decision for us to work together if we agree that it’s a good idea for you.

OK … so if you’re cool with that then please go ahead and book a time … I really look forward to our chat.

Whatever conclusion we come to at the end of our chat, I want you to feel excited and confident about your future, not frustrated and disappointed. 

Get Your Free Infographic - Proven Sales Leadership Framework

This 1 pager provides an overview of the key aspects of the Proven Sales Leadership Framework.

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