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Sales Director Central Blog

The $8 Haircut #salesdirectorcentral #salesleadership #valueselling Oct 14, 2022

The $8 Haircut was posted by JD on LinkedIn today.  It is shown below.

JD challenged you "When you visit your next prospect what will you do differently?"

There were over 50 comments on the post and I love the ones who encourage us to listen more.  When we talk with our...

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What Venture Capitalists Want You To Know About Raising Capital Apr 22, 2021

If you’re a founder, at some point you would have thought about raising capital for your business. However, if running your own business isn’t enough of a challenge, navigating the world of raising capital can be next level. To help make the process a little smoother for you, today...

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Why discounting is slowly killing your B2B business #sales #value Apr 13, 2021

Is discounting slowly killing your B2B business? While performing an account review for a client recently, we heard a seasoned sales rep ask “Can we ‘motivate’ the customer to buy?” Wait. Did we hear this right - did he just ask his boss for a discount?

If you’re...

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How To Hire the Right Salesperson for Your B2B Startup sales sales teams Mar 08, 2021

There comes a time in every startup journey when you realise that in order to move forward and scale, you need to increase sales and revenue first. And that means transitioning from selling your own products and services to handing over sales to a professional salesperson. 


It seems...

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How to Pivot successfully #pamice #pivot Apr 02, 2020

On Media Watch this week Paul Barry spoke about the most overused phrase in the media during this pandemic.  It was “Petrie dish”, as in the “schools are like a Petrie dish for Coronavirus”. Since this pandemic started to bite into the economy about 3 weeks ago,...

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Selling in a Pandemic - how to approach sales when everyone is focused on Coronavirus? Mar 16, 2020

How do we maintain Sales As Usual and Business As Usual when everyone is focused on impending health and economic doom?

Let's get our priorities right from the start.  It's a real health threat and everyone must take the right precautions to protect themselves and everyone around them. ...

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Business As Usual with Coronavirus Mar 13, 2020

What does Business As Usual (BAU) look like when health authorities are telling everyone to send staff home?

Where do you find useful and trusted resources around Coronavirus, and how you can use technology to keep as close to BAU as possible?

No matter what tech you are using, all the...

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September 2019 Newsletter #pipeline #salesleadership #value Sep 09, 2019

Welcome to the September Newsletter where we highlight what happened in August and provide summaries of key information we have shared.

The Post of the Month

JD posted on Value in August on LinkedIn.  The key points were:

What is Value? And how should we measure it?

Firstly value...

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Build Your Pipeline Masterclass #growth #pipeline #sales #salesdirectorcentral #scale Aug 01, 2019

Thank you to all those who attended the live Build Your Pipeline Masterclass.

Please click the Build Your Pipeline Masterclass Replay to watch it again and remind yourself of where those new leads and future customers are hiding.


  • COCO - Come Out, Come Out wherever you are!
  • Referral...
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7 Ways Sales Leadership Drives Revenue Growth high performance sales team sales sales methodology salesleadership Jul 04, 2019

At Sales Director Central we meet and talk with many  Founders, Owners and Directors in small to medium businesses selling a complex solution in a B2B environment.  Their views and approach on Sales Leadership, and even for some of the more savvy investors, is a constant source of...

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How do I know if I have a poor performer? #frustrateddirectorssyndrome #poorperformance #salesacceleration #salesreps May 29, 2019

In a recent LinkedIn article, JD spoke about the 4 reasons Directors hold on to poor performing sales people. One of the questions we've been asked is "How do we really know if they are poor performers?".

On the surface this is an easy answer "Zero sales". But this is not easy for many Directors...

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