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Sales Director Central Blog

Hey Founders, if you could supply your sales person unlimited leads would that deliver sales success ? May 04, 2019

No it wouldn't!

It is undeniable leads are a constant source of frustration to enable scale for Founders.

But it wouldn't solve the real issue to create a peak performing sales function. A peak performing sales function requires three key elements, aside from leads.

1. A sales framework or...

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Average tenure for sales people ? 19 Months salesacceleration salesdirectorcentral Apr 30, 2019

Does it surprise you that the average tenure for a sales person is 19 months and has been trending down in recent times?

Here are my thoughts on WHY.

Most sales people are hired and left to fail. They have little support, after all they are being paid a base salary. The business is poorly set...

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Who is your target market? Apr 26, 2019

Who is your target market?

In the past few weeks I have asked several Founders this question.

The answers surprised me. They were general, no specifics, the only detail was an industry, at best. They tended to want to be all things to all people. The answers told me that they had become...

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The 4 reasons founders hold on to poor performing sales people Apr 22, 2019

I see it often, we are asked to do a review of the sales function, and see glaring issues with sales people. My belief is there are no bad sales people just people in the wrong company.

Here are the reasons from founders on why they have kept a poor performer:-

1 Scared the pipeline will leave...

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